The Stream Boss Overlay Widgets shows a virtual boss based on a user in your channel that other users can damage by performing various things in your channel for the chance to become the new boss.
The Stream Boss Overlay Widget has a few different general options for how health, damage, and healing is performed on the boss:
- Base Health: The minimum total health that any boss will have.
- Kill Bonus Health: An additional amount of health that will be applied to the new boss when the previous one is killed.
- Overkill Bonus Health Multipler: A multipler applied to the amount of overkill or excess damage dealt to a boss when it died. For example, if the boss was at 50 health and 100 damage was done to it, the boss would be at -50 health meaning an excess of 50 damage was done. If the Overkill Bonus Health Multipler is set to 1.5, then 75 health (50 * 1.5) will be added to the new boss's starting health.
- Self Healing Multipler: A multipler applied to the amount of healing done to the boss when the user that applied the damage is also the current boss. Typically when a user is the current boss, any damage they do will be applied as healing rather than damage. The Self Healing Multipler determines how that damage is converted over to health. If 100 damage is done by the current boss user the Self Healing Multiplier is set to 1.5, then 150 health (100 * 1.5) will be restored to the boss. If instead you do not want the current user to be able to heal themselves, you can set this to a negative number such as "-1.0" so the always apply an equal amount of damage like anyone else.
- Compound Previous Boss Health: This will take the maximum health amount of the previous boss and add that to the health of the new boss when the previous one is killed. For example, if the Base Health is set to 1000 and the previous boss had 3000 health, then the next boss will have 4000 health (1000 + 3000).
You can specify the amount of damage that each event type contributes to the stream boss. All of these events can be found towards the bottom of the editor. Each event type has one or both of the following damage amount types:
The damage amount will be dealt to the boss each time that event occurs. For example, the Follow event uses the additive amount, meaning that exact amount will be dealt each time a follows occurs.
The damage amount will be multipled against the amount from the event. For example, the Donation event uses the multiplicative amount, meaning the amount donated will be multipled by the damage amount. This will also include decimal values that are rounded if the donation currency supports it. A donation amount of $12.34 and an event value of 2 will add 25 damage (12.34 * 2) to the boss.
Dynamic damage/healing can applied to the boss by using the "Damage Stream Boss" option on the Overlay Action. The amount specified will be directly added/subtracted to the boss when it is triggered. This can be useful for non-standard events, such as a Twitch Channel Point Reward that can add an damage to the boss.
For more information about how to use this, please see the Overlay Action
This widget has access to the following commands:
- Damage Occurred: Triggered when damage has been dealt to the boss. Has access to the following Special Identifiers:
- $streambosshealth = The total amount of health of the boss.
- $streambossdamage = The amount of damage dealt with this specific interaction.
- Healing Occurred: Triggered when healing has been performed on the boss. Has access to the following Special Identifiers:
- $streambosshealth = The total amount of health of the boss.
- $streambosshealing = The amount of healing performed with this specific interaction.
- New Boss: Triggered when a boss has been defeated and replaced by a new boss. Has access to the following Special Identifiers:
- $streambosshealth = The total amount of health of the boss.
Additionally for all the commands above, the User and Target User Special Identifiers can be used. The User Special Identifiers correpsond to who performed the damage or healing for each interaction, while the Target User Special Identifiers will always correspond to the current stream boss.