Mix It Up has several pre-made chat commands that are available for you to use right out of the gate. These commands are set up and ready for you to go, but can also be customized to meet your needs. You have the ability to change who can use them, the timeout on them, and whether to enable/disable them. Below you'll find the list of all pre-made chat commands:
¶ Mix It Up Commands
- !mixitup = Sends a message with a link to the Mix It Up software.
- !commands = Sends a message with all available chat commands that the user has permission to run.
¶ Stream Commands
- !game = Sends a message with the game that is currently being streamed.
- !title, !stream = Sends a message with the name of the stream.
- !uptime = Sends a message with current up-time of the stream.
- !steamgame, !steam = Gets information from Steam about the game currently being played or the name of a game after the command (EX: "!steam Team Fortress 2")
- !xboxgame = Gets information from Xbox about the game currently being played or the name of a game after the command (EX: "!xboxgame Halo 5")
- !followage = Sends a message with user's age of following this channel.
- !subage, !subscriberage = Sends a message with the user's age of subscribing to this channel
- !streamerage, !age = Sends a message with streamer's account age.
¶ Quote Commands
- !quote = Sends a message with a randomly selected quote.
- !quote [NUMBER] = Sends a message with the quote that has the specified number.
- !quote [TEXT] = Sends a message with the quote that contains the specified text.
- !lastquote = Sends a message with the most recently added quote.
- !addquote, !quoteadd = Adds a new quote with the text after the command itself. (EX: !addquote I'm a new quote!)
- !deletequote, !quotedelete = Deletes quote that has the specified number. (EX: !deletequote 17)
¶ Moderator Commands
- !setgame = Sets the name of the game for the stream. (EX: "!setgame Team Fortress 2")
- !settitle = Sets the title for the stream. (EX: "!setgame Playing Games!")
- !setaudience = Sets the audience for the stream. (EX: "!setgame adult")
- !startgiveaway = Starts a giveaway with the specified item using the current settings on the Giveaway page. (EX: "!startgiveaway 1000 V-Bucks")
- !addcommand = Adds a new command with a single Chat action. (EX: !addcommand [COMMAND TRIGGER, NO !] [COOLDOWN] [FULL COMMAND MESSAGE TEXT])
- !updatecommand = Edits an existing Chat command by removing all actions & adding a single Chat action with the specified text. (EX: !updatecommand [COMMAND TRIGGER, NO !] [COOLDOWN] [OPTIONAL FULL COMMAND MESSAGE TEXT])
- !disablecommand = Disables a Chat command. (EX: !disablecommand [COMMAND TRIGGER, NO !])
- !setusertitle = Sets a custom title for a user. (EX: "!setusertitle @saviorxtanren The Coolest Person!")
- !linkaccount = Starts an account linking process for the user that ran the command to link their data together across two different streaming platforms. (EX: !linkaccount trovo saviorxtanren)
¶ Fun Commands
- !magic8ball, !8ball = Asks the magic 8-ball a question and get back a response!